Pump It Up!
Author: The Purple Panda <3 Labels:: january, shahid, snow
Is he hot or is he hott??
NO SCHOOL TODAY! thank you one millimeter of snow.
Happy Birthday to you.
I don't feel that sick anymore!
I think the bacteria that was giving me a major headache decided to take a road trip to my throat. This morning my throat was once again swollen as if a had been rolling in pollen or something. While I was brushing my teeth I had the unpleasant feeling of the inflated sides of my garganta creating much unwanted friction.
My mom seriously thinks that drinking milk and honey will magically cure my ailments. I had my third piping hot cup of that concoction today. meh.
Thank you to all my followers!!! You are the best!
My mom is singing "Taal se Taal" hehehe :P